Designer / Quidsi / Amazon / Nov 2015 - Jun 2017
Quidsi / Amazon Work
Helped with the digital creative for Quidsi's family of sites (,,,, etc.) Worked on daily on-site/off-site banners, design emails, landing pages, sale campaigns, and other requests with the creative team.
Using the site’s existing library of pet photography, I designed these social ads / emails for the Secret Sale that was exclusive to users who had signed up through email.
Here are some sale campaigns that I lead the concept, and design for, making sure that all of the sale assets felt cohesive and related to the sale.
The Great Big Baby Sale:
I used the kids’ ball pit as inspiration for the placement & fun use of the circles in the background. For images we were limited to what was available, so I added shadows to ground them in the space.
S I T E T A K E O V E R H O M E P A G E :
S A L E E M A I L :
The Sun Shop:
I designed the layout of the Sun Shop landing page, making sure that the fun theme resonated throughout the layout of the page.
S U N S H O P L A N D I N G P A G E :
M O B I L E :
Photo-Ready Outfits:
I designed the holiday apparel landing page where the talent with featured outfits were clickable and linked to the featured apparel skus.
Quidsi Emails
(Some emails that I designed ranging from,,, beauty
Director of Creative: June Sung
Creative Leads: Alex Felsenstein, Jan Tedder
Designer: Elizabeth Zalewski (myself)
Copywriters: Rob Guizio, Lauren Boulos, Lisa Hurley